Exchange Club of Flagstaff

We are currently holding in-person meetings at Flagstaff Senior Meadows Apartments Community Room at noon on the first three Wednesdays of the month. In light of COVID still being part of our lives, we are also offering online access to the meetings.  Check our calendar for the speaker information and the online access code.

Email Signup

Sign up to receive our weekly meeting notices!

The Exchange Club of Flagstaff is a service organization with four (4) programs of service.
 These Programs of Service are:
Youth Programs
Community Service
Prevention of Child Abuse

Honor Our First Responders

The Exchange Club of Flagstaff will host the First Responder Recognition Luncheon (previously known as the Officer of the Year Luncheon) on Wednesday, October 15, 2025 at the Elks Lodge. 

Field of Hope

Each year we hold the Field of Hope Dedication on the County Courthouse lawn the first Friday of April, Child Abuse Prevention Month.

The Z-Banquet

We're happy to announce that we once again held The Z-Banquet at the Elks Lodge, who are co-sponsors of the event. Plan on joining us at the Elks Lodge for a fun evening  on April 30, 2025.